Welcome to Montessori Nursery in Hanwell

Our Team
Here at Montessori Nursery in Hanwell, our friendly and highly trained staff are focused on providing fun and education, whilst working to ensure your child develops as an individual. By helping to nurture and encourage learning through discovery and enjoyment.
Our aim is to offer the best training opportunities for our staff to support our childcare and education philosophy. All staff is checked with the Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) before being employed and we also practice the buddy system at Montessori in Hanwell.
The majority of our staff is Montessori Qualified equivalent to NVQ Level 3 / 4 in over 2’s and childcare Level 2, 3 and 4 in under 2’s. Staff is also encouraged and supported to achieve Early Years Professional Status (EYPS).
Our aim to make sure that the children feel safe, secure, loved and parents are reassured that their children are being looked after by the best carers we can find.

Zamira Bitri
My name is Zamira Bitri, I am the Nursery Manager at Montessori Nursery School in Hanwell. I have
joined little inventors Montessori since July 2021 and it has been a great opportunity for me to
deliver the best EYFS curriculum that enables children to make individual progress and to support
other staff in doing so. I consider myself well experienced and well-informed in the early year’s
childcare sector. Who has a strong desire to grow a career in the field of early childhood education.
My areas of expertise focused on child development, being aware and understanding of the
government guidelines (along with following the Ofsted requirements at all times).
As an experienced nursery manager with over 12 years of experience I have delivered high quality
care and education for children from 0-5 years. It has been a huge opportunity for me to develop my
career through progressing myself in different roles. My career started from working with many
different nurseries whilst studying for my diploma in early year’s educator.
Apart from contribution to the process and strategies which enhance standards of teaching and
learning I feel my greatest strength is firstly my ability to understand and meet the needs of
individual children, their parents or carers. Secondly having a clear understanding of the importance
of confidentiality and thirdly being able to provide a stimulating, caring and consistent environment
for young children to learn and develop in.
Successfully led the nursery to achieve a ‘good’ rating in April 2024 Ofsted inspection. I am very
passionate about the service I do for children and young people and will always thrive to provide the
best for our children.